Jak udekorowalam chleb: /Stenciling
-namoczylam ozdobna serwetke/I soaked crochet placemat (photo below)
-powierzchnie goracego bochenka zwilzylam woda i rozlozylam na niej serwetke/ I wet the crust of just baked loaf with water and I put the placemat on it
-obsypalam powierzchnie maka, uzywajac malego sitka/ using a small strainer I sprinkled the crust with flour
-zostawilam chleb na 30 minut/ I left the bread for 30 minutes
-delikatnie usunelam serwetke/ then I removed the placemat
Submitting to
Sourdough Starter:/
Zaczyn zakwasowy:
160 g rye starter (refreshed overnight)/
zakwasu zytniego z maki razowej grubo zmielonej
167 g water/
160 g stone ground flour/
maki zytniej razowej
Let ferment for 8 hours./
Fermentacja 8 godzin.
Final dough:/
all of the sourdough starter/
caly zaczyn
765 g whole wheat flour/
maki pszennej razowej
440 g water/
400 g young small potatoes/
mlodych ziemniaczkow
10 g black sesame seeds/
ziaren czarnego sezamu
15 g salt/
Precook potatoes in microwave and cut into cubes. Preheat a pan lightly greased with olive oil and lightly brown potatoes. Season to your taste .
Ziemniaczki ugotowac w mundurkach i pokroic w kostke. Obsmazyc na odrobinie oliwy i doprawic ulubionymi ziolami.
Mix starter, flour, sesame seeds and water together until it forms dough ball. Leave it to autolyze in a cowered bowl for 30 minutes.
Wymieszac zaczyn, make, ziarna sezamu i uformowac w kule. Odstawic na pol godziny.
Mix in salt and potato halves into the dough and knead until ingredients are incorporated.
Dodac sol i ziemniaki.Zagniesc ciasto.
Leave the dough in a mixing bowl covered with plastic bag for 3 hours for bulk fermentation. Stretch-and-fold after first and second hour of fermentation.
Rozciagnac i zlozyc ciasto po 1 i 2 godzinie wyrastania i odstawic na kolejne 60 minut.
Shape the dough into boule (round) and put it into proofing basket.
Uformowac z ciasta okragly bochen i ulozyc go w koszu.
Retard the shaped loaves in the fridge for 10-12 hours.
Wlozyc chleb do lodowki na 10-12 godzin.
Next day, remove the doughs from fridge and preheat the oven to the highest temperature.
Po tym czasie wyjac chleb z lodowki i rozgrzac piekarnik do maksymalnej temperatury.
at 500F with steam for 20 minutes,/250C-20 minut
at 470F for 20 minutes, /230C-20 minut